Fail Safe Test
In order to fly at Rampage, all the drones you are taking on site must pass a fail-safe check. This means your radio must be set up so that your drone drops from the sky at loss of radio signal.
Before arriving at the check-in area, make sure all your drones meet the following criteria:
Make sure your props are removed from your quads
Have a charged battery for your quad ready to plug in
Radio transmitter ready to go
When instructed by the volunteers running the Fail Safe check in, you will:
Power up your radio and select the correct model being tested
Arm your quad so your motors spin
Turn off your radio
Motors should stop spinning
If motors stop stop spinning, turn your radio back on
Arm/Disarm your quad
Unplug quad
This Fail Safe check MUST pass for every quad you intend to fly at the RAMPAGE.